Patate tourism

The Patate canton belongs to the province of Tungurahua. The Tungurahua Volcano is located within its territory. This agricultural town lies in a valley between green mountains at 25 minutes from Ambato. Patate has different heights ranging from 2,000 masl up to 4,000 masl and its climate is mild and dry, ideal for cultivation of all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
Although the population is primarily engaged in agriculture, the city center contains several cultural attractions. Among them is find the religious and archaeological museum of the Lord of the Earthquake and its sanctuary. Ceramics and utensils of the Panzaleo culture are presented there as well as religious images and figures of the Quiteña School that date from the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries.
The Lord of the Earthquake Festivity takes place during the first days of February with the participation of all the parishes of Patate. Flower and fruit float parades and folk dances represent the thanks from the villagers to their patron saint.
Around the central square Simón Bolívar there are several coffee shops that prepare arepas, baked pumpkin pie pies achira, and grape chicha, artisanal wine that is prepared with apple, blackberry, opener and grape.
How to get there?
- To get to the Patate canton there are two heavy transport cooperatives: PATATE transport cooperative and TRANS VALLE PATATE transport, every 10 minutes they depart from intercantonal terminal located in the city's Mercado América of Ambato. The cost of the ticket is 0.95 cents.
- For those who travel in their own vehicle, take the Pan-American Highway Ambato - Baños. Once you arrive in the city of Pelileo take the turn left towards the Patate canton.
Skip general data
Patate parishes:
- Urban: Patate, cantonal header.
- Rural: El Sucre, Los Andes and El Triunfo
- Cantonization of Patate: September 13
- Population of Patate: 14,928 inhabitants (INEC projections, 2015)
- Patate Limits:
- North: Píllaro canton and Napo Province
- South: Pelileo and Baños cantons
- East: Baños canton
- West: Pelileo canton
- Patate Hydrography: The Patate River is the largest in the canton, it originates in the thaws of the Cotopaxi and crosses the Valley of the Eternal Spring, and its main tributaries are: Río Blanco, Leitillo and Llipini. Also in the El Triunfo parish we find the major river Muyo; its tributaries are: Aluleo, Plata and Brief, same that ends at Pastaza river.
- Patate climate: Patate has four types of climates: High Mountain Equatorial, Dry Mesothermal Equator, Mesothermal Equator, Semi-Humid and Tropical Megatérmico. Between 500 and 2,000 mm of rainfall per year is recorded , being the months of greatest rainfall from May to August.
- Patate altitude For the variety of altitude floors Patate’s altitude range from 2,000 meters to 4,000 meters in the high moorland
- The area of the Patate canton is 169.95 km2 without including the Llanganates National Park, and including the protected area has a total of 314.7 km2.
- Patate fair days
- Cantonal header: Wednesday and Sunday
- Sucre: Sunday
- The Triumph: Friday
Patate gastronomy
- Arepas: The preparation of arepas is a tradition since many years ago, it is said that since the locals live there are arepas are cooked in a wood oven, which are usually accompanied with grape chicha.
- Wine to consecrate: Of great aroma, fragrance and with much tradition is made this drink delivered to the curia of the parish. Made from high quality grapes, secretly keeps history and tradition of this beautiful valley.
- Patate wines The Jesuits brought from Europe the technique of making wine and in this prodigious valley they found an ideal place for its production. Made from grape must of an important tier. In Patate there are several factories that process this drink.
- Grape Chicha Historically the first Jesuits left the legacy in the elaboration of this exotic grape-based fermented drink, since in those times the refrigeration was not possible. Its main ingredients are black grape, sugar, boiled water, all of them in a clay or wooden pot.
Patate, Magic Town of Ecuador
Patate has approximately 45 tourist attractions distributed in 19 cultural manifestations and 26 natural sites.
Here are some tourist places in Patate:
Half of the territory of the Patate canton is part of The Llanganates National Park from whose moors are born many of the rivers of the province. Expeditions can be made through the waterfalls of Mundug and Las Golondrinas or visit the lagoons of San Borja and Cocha Negra, Kuripishku Route, Sudahua Lagoons, In the city of Patate you can enjoy the parks like the playground, Simon Bolívar Park and the church of the Lord of the Earthquake .

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