Tourist Attractions Baños

The Tourist Attractions of Baños de Agua Santa in Tungurahua is an ideal destination to experience the adventure in Ecuador. Discover the thermal baths, nature parks.

Tourist Attractions Baños de Agua Santa


Baños de Agua Santa definitely is a tourist destination in Ecuador presenting undeniable natural beauty sites, many tourists prefer for its proximity to the East Ecuador. Ecuador holidays are opportunities to meet this wonderful land of the province of Tungurahua. And all tourist sites in the provinces of the Ecuador.

Ecuador Tourism Baños in the tourist area, Baños is a benchmark of practices related to nature. It is recognized for its eco - tourism excellence example for the country and the world and tourist destination naturally. All sectors of the Canton exploit tourism resources and communities involved in managing and receiving benefits. The offer is diversified and articulates the cultural tourism, environmental and religious.

Baños  tourist places of relaxation and nature. You have several options to enjoy this destination

  • Terma Baños de Agua Santa  Baños de Agua Santa gives you the best places to renew so you can enjoy the hot water and its medicinal benefits.
    • Termas El Salado
    • Balneario Santa Clara
    • Termas de la Virgen
    • Termas de Santa Ana
  • Baños´ waterfalls:  Baños de Agua Santa invites you to visit and enjoy the splendid waterfalls found in nature, they will provide an amazing spectacle. Which are?
    • Agoyan Waterfall
    • Manto de la Novia Waterfall
    • Pailón of the Devil
    • Bascun Cascade
    • Chamana Cascade
    • Cashaurco Waterfall
    • Machay El Rocío waterfall
    • Ines Maria waterfall
    • Waterfall San Pedro de Inca
    • Cascada San Jorge
    • San Francisco Waterfall
    • Ulba waterfall
    • Virgin Falls
    • Falls Road


  • Baños de Agua Santa Viewpoints has amazing observation points to admire the landscapes of nature or the city providingan excellent overview, some viewpoints are more popular than others, but if you have the opportunity would be a great tourvisit each of them.
    • Casa del árbol (House of the tree) is a strategic viewpoint in its fullness activity Mama Tungurahua point. This active volcano is monitored from this area called runtun. It is not advisable to visit at night since the terrible bellowing may frighten visitors.
    • Mirador de la Virgen: To reach the belvedere a tour must be realized that we allow the beauty of the city of Bath. Arriving at the lookout will meet with the beautiful giant sculpture of Our Lady of the Rosary, the miraculous virgin.
    • Mirador de Runtun Like any viewpoint located in a privileged place where you can admire the city and its landscape picturesquepriority.
  • Water Baths trails Santa fascinating tours that allow you to interact with nature and observe magnificent landscapes.
    • Sendero los Sauces A beautiful trail where you proporcina the magical view of agricultural productivity in the area, especially the fruit trees.
    • Smugglers path so called formerly used as route smuggling cane liquor, an amazing route.

Baños de Agua Santa Tourist Attractions

Tourist places with cultural and recreational character


  • Family Park  A precise name to strengthen the family meeting, where surrounded by young and old green and recreational areas can enjoy wholesome entertainment.
  • Tarabita Manto de la Novia La Tarabita is hilarious, an attraction for thrill seekers with all safety standards and go over the waterfall is wonderful!!
  • Baños basilica is a place of devotion and Catholic faith. Many believers of Our Lady of the Rosary come together in this place to pray. You can meet the incredible miracles of the Blessed Virgin.
  • Gallery Refuge wind reaching the threshold of your door is transported to a spaceoften not discovered within each person and enjoy a magic that captivates the spirit; one that can give a little flower, a magical landscape, and transparency of watercolor, the strength of the spatula or life itself Barrera Edguin the artist offers his works.
  • Breast display Tungurahua Notes photographic samples, volcanic stones and samples the eruptive process of Tungurahua breast.
  • Limonturo lagoon where bird watching is wonderful, the balance of the ecosystem offers unmatched scenery. It is located near the area of the Cordillera de Llanganates.
  • Community tourism "Vizcaya" A community that is dedicated to producing high quality dwells, and allowed the development in the agricultural field with the support of the MAGAP.
  • Historical Collection and  Jigacho Orchidarium A different way to enjoy and learn more about nature through its history and knowledge of the care of orchids.
  • Tourist farm Panticucho If you are looking an unusual experience living with farm animals this is your chance to visit this wonderful place.
  • Rio Verde Orchidarium is a place that houses about 140 species of Ecuadorian orchids and 50 varieties of hybrid species. The journey can take between 30 minutes to 1 hour. You can also buy hybrid orchids and crafts in the area.
  • Puntzán. Visit this wonderful place and enjoy the journey with landscapes and waterfalls, through trails and 6 cable lines to complete a circuit of 2000 m.
  • Adventure Park San Martin circuit offered by this park is a complete adventure in Baños. The excitement begins with a flight over the canyon San Martin through a zipline or canopy of 850 m in length.
  • Community Tourism Center Pondoa  Herecan explore this beautiful place in which it is possiblenperform various activities outdoors, hiking tours, observe diversity in flora and fauna, also share daily activities with the community.
  • Makes gastronomic tourism in Banos and try the delicious typical food , delicacies such as cuy asado , the baneño sánduche from Loja the horchata , the chocolate Ambato, the hornado, Fry, llapinchos, librillo, yahuarlocro, churrasco , or an exquisite ceviche in Bath is assembled the best Ecuadorian food.

Tourist Places Baños

An Unforgettable Adventure in Baños

When the concerns of young people grew in the soul, it was necessary to make them realities and so, with the strength that radiated those blushing years of optimism, we continued singing hopes, seeking in the clefts of time the satin dust of illusions, to live presents that shelter our spirit in blue latitudes, open to the encounter of new situations.

We were dissatisfied with the hours that were happening, dawning dawns nuanced winds and exploring impetuous in fields of broom travelers and paths of lost sounds of silence.

Thus the idea was born, among four friends: Pacho Mantilla, César Acurio, Julio Estrella and Rodrigo Herrera to make a walk towards the Puyo, because, we thought that in this way we would look openly at the landscape and our spirit would be forged with that challenge.

We left on the appointed day at five o'clock in the morning. The bells of the temple invited to the early morning mass, and the birds sang to the light with guttural trills. The life of the villages is dreamy at those hours for the peace that is perceived in the environment.

The window of the road was opening to us and through it we watched the light of dawn arrive and with it, the sublime sensations that invade the tender spirits cautiously:

Ulba and the Cienega, with the smell of cypresses, nards and daisies; Agoyán, august geography, where the waters evaporate in perceptible irises; the great precipices roaring with grave tuning of foams and whirlpools,- the Door of Heaven in perpetual drizzle; White River, bringing in its millenary waters treasures; the Bride's Mantle, pompous veil that slides by the imposing body of the abyss.

As we walked, the mountains became smaller and their vegetation changed. They were green balconies, gardens from which hung colors and aromas of honeysuckle, orchids, mosses, ferns, hydrangeas and fine forests, refuge of life.

The villages followed one another like the light of the road that seemed to us without fin. Rio Verde, with its river of transparent waters, forming a colossal leap lost in the vegetation, rediscovered as El Pailón del Diablo; Machay and its waterfall springing from the mist, threading platinum threads, with a candorous accent of grass music; the "Pailón del Diablo", the "Pailón del Diablo", the "Pailón del Diablo", the "Pailón del Diablo", the "Pailón del Diablo", the "Pailón del Diablo", the "Pailón del Diablo", the "Machay" and its waterfall springing from the mist, threading platinum threads, with a candorous accent of grass music.

Churosinguna, anaconda of rock, breaking the schemes with surprising breaks, defying imposing to the mountain; Rio Negro and El Topo, enclosed in the foothills of the mountain range, with flavor to naranjilla, aguardiente and panela; Cashaurco, waiting apacible to the travelers and their recuas, in their tambo lost in the time; The Abitagua, where the rain refreshed us with its clear perfiles, perceiving in our faces the effluvios of the east; The Mirador, from which it is appreciated as the brave river of the Andes becomes meek, scratching the space with multiple arms, letting see a clear distance and a wide horizon, in which the sun is recreated playing with the clouds.

At dusk we arrive at Mera, a productive town kissed by the waters of dellaquearonl Pastaza; we pass through La Morabia, a legendary hacienda with various traditions and then to Shell with its airport of giant dragonflies, witnesses of the exploits of Colonel Ruales, with the hospital Voz Andes, perennial missionary of health and life in the name of Christ, and the barracks, estancia of the young aroizasmantes of the homeland.

La zulay, tea and cane hacienda and El Pindo Grande with whispers of nymphs traveling serenely to their destination, were the point where our wings llaqueararon and we only had to accept the invitation of Mr. Quiñonez who, to see us defiant. stopped his truck and invited us to climb in it to give us a "push" to the hotel Tourism.

After a rest, in the afternoon chiaroscuro, we went down the "Police Street" towards the river, which was our friend, and which awaited us with its fresh waters to fill our bodies with energy. Lying on its beach, we could admire the oriflama of the tropical twilight that slipped between the trees, with its lights resting on the reddish clouds, in wild splendors of sleeping stills.

That landscape of colors finos, of diaphanous silences, of skies dressed as dancing angels, of wind diadems, of birds in constant jolgorío, is still present in my memories.

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